Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Send-Off...

I spent a lot of time with the hostel/ex-hostel crew on those last two days.

Went shopping in the Haight for wedding duds with Holly and caught up with her since we hadn't visited much since she returned to China. And now she's out there again, getting that business of hers up and going. Best of luck...

Saw everyone at the hostel on Sunday night but ended up spending most of my time packing and loading up my car anyway. Trader Joe's was cool enough to let me store my car in their garage overnight which meant I didn't have to wait until Monday morning with someone guarding it from the Street Nazis while I ran up and down stairs. I loaded it all up and met people out for one last Cheese Fry Hunting Session.

It would have been a good idea for me to get a good night's sleep, but I ended up talking with Chris until the wee hours, which was an even better idea.

The next day I dragged ass and left much later than I had anticipated. I thought I would grab coffee with Chris but he was dragging ass too, so we had a Good Luck Sandwich Lunch with Dave at the hostel instead (unfortunately, he had to work on my last morning in town...) Chris and I went to pick up my car and stopped at Coit Tower first, something I had never actually done with my time in San Francisco. You really can see the whole city from up there. It looks so tiny with some perspective and I guess it really is, but I suppose that's what makes the city so great. So accessible.

I did last minute panic packing and loading while people guarded my car and we all did a hasty goodbye outside. I was sad that everyone couldn't be there, but honestly, I had been doing goodbyes for that last week anyway...

I took off and dropped Chris off at his apartment.

Halfway onto the Interstate, Chris called.

"How far away are you?"

"Um, not far. Whatcha need, buddy?"

"My car's been towed. Can you pick me up and drop me off at work in Oakland."

Ha. I turned around and picked him up.

I finally had a chance to see where Chris works and we spent a little more time talking about the adventure I'm about to head out on... and some of the terror that comes along with it.

I couldn't be more excited.

I got in my car and headed east.

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