Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Next Statement is True; The First Statement is False

What if I'm just a big, fat liar?

I wrote Tom an email recently discussing the fact that I could just be making this all up.

For all anyone knows, I could have moved to Milwaukee to take an office job at a big dairy company.

How would anyone know anything differently?

No one saw a plane ticket or knows anyone "over here". I told everyone in San Francisco I was leaving to return to Illinois so I could fly to Sweden. Heck, in San Francisco, they don't even know if I was really from Illinois.

And as far as Illinois people know, I could have gone anywhere.

The only facts anyone has are these: I did receive a passport and I was dropped off outside an airport by my father, carrying two bags, contents unknown.

Sure, I've made a few phone calls to people from a strange number, but that was using a calling card, so it could be anywhere, really.

None of the pictures I have posted really place me definitely in Sweden or with any people I have allegedly met here. Just a picture of me on a beach, sitting with a wreath on my head, and standing in front of a car.

Could be Milwaukee...

Maybe I have some friends in Sweden in on the joke, sending me pictures of themselves doing fun things around and I just make up stories about it all...

As some people have commented, no one really knows what this "Jenny" girl looks like anyway... what if it is all just a big delusion?

I discussed this with Jenny and we realized the same thing.

She doesn't really know anything about me except what I have told her.

Maybe I'm not actually from Illinois. Maybe I wasn't really a drug counselor. Maybe I don't really have a mom, dad, brother, and sister.

Maybe I just escaped from some loony bin somewhere and wandered to San Francisco. I'm sure I wouldn't be the first...

No one in San Francisco really knows where I am from based on any other source than myself. What if it is all lies?

I offered to let her email some friends but then told her she would never really know because they could just be email addresses I've made up and I send the replies myself. What if no one even really reads this blog and all the comments are just different characters I have made up to make my story more convincing?

Jenny made another good point after we watched Lars and the Real Girl the other day. What if I'm not even real? What if I'm just a big, plastic boy that she carries around and her friends and family are just playing along with her delusion? Talking about the weird American "boy" with her just so she doesn't feel bad? I guess that would mean she is writing this blog entry right now, discussing her own delusion in depth through 3rd, 4th, and 5th person...

It gets even more confusing after thinking about how we discussed me as her "imaginary friend" on the first day I was here. None of her friends had talked to me or anything and maybe doubted my existence a bit. We decided it would be funny if I hid in the bushes while they arrived, giggling to myself as she introduced the empty air next to her as her "American friend Nick". We wanted to see how long we could keep it up and whether her friends would go along with it or not. Then her father met me and the plan crumbled...

Or did it?

I'm so confused...

I should probably stop talking about this before some paradox tears a hole in the Space-Time Continuum, slowly dismantling reality.


Beth said...

And this is why it's best to behave like most of the people on the planet and simply never think.

P.S. I love Milwaukee! I'll come to visit and stop at Mars' Cheese Castle on the way!

: o )

Anonymous said...

If I hit your thumb with a hammer will that bring you back to reality?

Endless Dave said...

I've seen eat and I saw your license plate your def. from Illinois. Sweden could be a hoax but your showing up in Swedish peoples facebook photo streams so unless this is, "The Game"... oh wait it is.

Endless Dave said...

And further more, if you were just a plastic boy toy (you wish) would she get a discount for the lumpy shapes and webbed toes? That's outlet shopping man.

Lindsay said...

WOW.... okay you have way too much time on your hands! and by the way... if you have so much time on your hands how come you haven't emailed me yet?? I expect to hear from you soon!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! What lindsey Said , only emailing me
--Fat Fat--

Anonymous said...

because if you were fake, and she is actually cool (like you said she was) she would have already given you super powers. I mean, its the LEAST she could do right? Give her pretend boyfriend a hero complex, and a set of bad ass powers to match his new and dangerous reality.
Its what i would have done.

So, can you fly? Lift cars? Shoot power beams of molten vengence with your fancy adamantium laced super gloves? do you have a cape? What comes with great power anyway?

See, no powers you are real...perfect logic. Situation saved.

Well, unless your powers are that you can turn invisible. and in which case you couldnt tell, but that would explain her friends doubts....


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