Sunday, December 2, 2007

All I Want Is Boundless Love And A Horseshoe

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - It has been a slow couple of days here.

I'm in need of a quick job. If money was a lush field, I'm walking through a desert.

That's pretty much consumed the past couple of days. Not much has happened. So... more about the ocean night.

We started a hike from the beach. Wilson had horrible blisters on his feet from some crappy shoes he had bought. Even Dr. Scholls didn't help him. He said the salt water helped a lot and he was able to make the hike.

That didn't last long though.

Chris offered a piggy back ride. That didn't last long either.

The crew stopped for some Indian restaurant for dinner. We decided to order a lot of dishes and just share between everyone. A poor man's feast.

It was Chris' idea, so he is stuck with all the responsibility for the cockroaches another diner at the table next to us said she saw. I didn't catch any. Those suckers are fast, though.

The spicy food was a good follow-up to the ocean swim.

After dinner, a few people decided they wanted to make the hike back on foot. Chris and I helped Wilson limp to the bus stop. But not before stopping at a donut shop.

Chris and I had been talking about donuts for two hours at this point. He mentioned eating contests and the conversation obviously turned to donuts. A one point, a couple dozen seemed to loom in our immediate future. Instead, we settled on one a piece.

I thought the clerk at the shop said there were fresh long johns in the oven (people on the east coast don't seem to know what long johns are). I almost lost it I was so excited. But then I was informed I had heard wrong.

I must have looked pretty excited over the misheard comment. Chris laughed loudly about it the whole bus ride home.

Later in the night, I crashed. I haven't been sleeping very well for a few nights and it was all building up by that point. And anytime I get into water (pools, baths, hot tubs, oceans, large puddles) I get so sleepy afterward. I haven't been able to help it since I was a child and certainly couldn't help it that night.

Luckily, I have made good friends here who wouldn't let sleep in peace without screwing with me.

They ended up covering a lot of my clothes with various messages, like "Cheese is Fantastic!" and "I'm Outstanding!"

The good part is that it didn't even wake me up. At one point, I had a Fat Jeff alarm go off, where I suddenly came to for several seconds, just long enough to say, "What the hell are you doing?" to someone who was approaching. I guess that's what it feels like to be on the other end of being screwed with while sleeping. Otherwise, I kept sleeping soundly.

Until Gia came out into the common room at 3:30 in the morning and woke me up, telling me to go to bed. Reminded me of my dad shaking me late at night when I would stay up to watch Saturday Night Live as a kid, infomercials blaring in the background. At least this time I didn't fall asleep with a pizza in the oven. That time the charred remains were just left out on the counter by one of my parents, like evidence for me to see in the morning.

In the end, I guess some things never change.


Anonymous said...

A good night sleep always helps eh?

Anonymous said...

they could have put somthing much worse on you
like "i cry when i masterbate".

i mean how embarassing would that be,..... oh yeah.

Anonymous said...

Thats funny because all I want is Boundless Love and a Horseshoe as well! What are the Odds? But where to find the horseshoe? By the way, when are you coming home again?

Anonymous said...

watch this videos. This is totally $now behavior. I wish I could come out and give you a high five right now.

Anonymous said...

Im glad ur still having fun out there. my mother ( your Mistress) read your blog, and wanted me to tell you hi! and she's thinking of you in the worst way Wink Wink

Lindsay said...

I left a pizza cooking in the oven once for 5 1/2 hours. I didn't eat it.

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