Wednesday, October 10, 2007


HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO - I'm not sure how anyone feels about synchronicity... the idea that separate events can coincide in some kind of meaningful way. I've experiences some fascinating synchronous events in my life. Today I experienced a fun one.

I happened to be listening to a discussion on my Zen about synchronicity I had downloaded some time ago. It seemed like a good time to check it out. During this discussion, the main speaker gave an example of a synchronous event involving Buffalo Bill. While watching a quiz show, he answered a question that had Buffalo Bill as the answer. Shortly thereafter, a friend called to have him settle a bet... involving Buffalo Bill. Within the hour, Buffalo Bill came up one more time. Incredibly meaningful? No. Interesting though. Especially for someone who claims he hasn't talked about or read about Buffalo Bill in years.

For myself, just as this story ends, I drive by a sign for the "Buffalo Bill Ranch." Weird.

Weirder still? As soon as I get to Denver, say hi to my brother and the people he lives with, and take a shower to wash the 22-hour stink off myself, my brother asks if I want to go check out the area. "Sure thing," says I.

First stop he takes me to: Lookout Point. Which happens to be the grave site of none other than Buffalo Bill.

1 comment:

Scribble said...

now I'm hungry for some hot wings.

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