Monday, November 12, 2007

So Much To Tell, So Little Time

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - I'm off to New Mexico today. I'll probably be stopping in Flagstaff and checking out the Grand Canyon tomorrow. There's a hostel there and I'm growing accustomed to this way of living (more on that a little later), but maybe I'll just save the cash and sleep in my car. Finances are getting tight and I need to find a part-time job as soon as I'm back.

First off, let's go back a few night, to the ME in '08 campaign.

Brandon checked into the hostel and immediately began campaigning. He's a former film student who has decided to go on a cross-country trek, campaigning for "ME". This caused a great deal of confusion for quite a few people who didn't quite grasp the concept. Basically, we can't agree on anything, so he's just campaigning for the individual. It's awesome. And fits what I've been living thus far on this trip. Check out the website, it will give you a better idea. Check out the website: ME in '08.

Brandon's traveling around in the Me-Mobile -

And he's funding the trip by selling t-shirts, buttons, and stickers. Check out the website and order some. I've decided to sport the blue one. It's limited edition. I'm probably going to sign it myself... it seems fitting given the spirit of the campaign.

Picture reprinted without any permission whatsoever from the owner.

The next day I headed out with Chris and Gia. I had been craving a burrito for about 5 days at that point and the situation was growing desperate. I needed some Mexican, dammit!

On the way, we happened to cross paths with Adrien, the Australian fellow I had been talking to Halloween night. He came back to the hostel a couple days before and had been out shopping for shoes now. We invited him along and I'm not sure he was aware how much walking he was in for. The air was filled with mist and the sky was gray. It was definitely going to rain that day.

We walked all the way down to the Mission. Being a primarily Hispanic section of town, it seemed the most appropriate place for a burrito. I checked out some thrift stores as well. My Chucks are in sad shape and may need to be retired soon. A sad day indeed. They've been with me at least 5 years...

We stopped at a place named Taqueria Cancun and I got myself a massive Burrito Mojado. Sadly, I didn't think to snap a picture until I had dug in a healthy bit, so there is no visual evidence of just how delicious this burrito looked. You're going to have to take my word on it.

Gia wanted some coffee, so we headed to the Castro to find a coffee shop. The Castro is the primarily gay section of town, so it seemed like it would be no problem to find a nice coffee shop there, right? Wrong. It was pretty hard to find any, and those we did find were packed full. And the rain was coming down. No good for business.

We finally found a place, Spike's Coffee, and it was great. The staff were awesome, just furthering my belief that the people of San Fran are some of the friendliest I've ever met. Anyway, we relaxed and tried to dry off a little.

Afterward, we went our separate ways. Adrien probably felt he had been suckered into walking around quite enough, so he headed back to the hostel. Gia was going down the street to meet some friends for drinks. And Chris and I? Well, the Castro Theater across the street was playing Saturday Night Fever, so we didn't really have a choice about what to do. If you've never seen it on the big screen, it is an experience you don't want to miss.

The remainder of these past couple days has mostly been spent walking around, meeting people, enjoying good conversation.

A couple other highlights: I think I broke my foot. My foot has been killing me the past couple days, mostly when I walk around. I sleep kind of far down in my bed on the top bunk. I slide the pillow down a little, so it doesn't fall off the head of the bed during the night. And I sleep with just my head on the pillow, so my feet end up hanging off the end. So, I think in the middle of the night a few nights ago I must have kicked the metal railing. If it doesn't fall off though, I guess I'll be alright.

I guess I haven't taken many pictures in the hostel yet. This is (was) my room. I'm sad to leave it. I'm pretty attached to my bed now. I'm the one on the top left.

Other highlights: I made horseshoes last night. I started talking about them a few days ago. One of the downsides of San Fran I've discovered is that they really don't have any food to call there own. The term "San Francisco Style" doesn't exist. Any people here love to eat healthy. So healthy, in fact, that many think anything unhealthy is disgusting. I explained a horseshoe to several people and got the same reaction each time. A little bit of vomit. For any not on the know, a horseshoe is a piece of Texas Toast with a beef patty on it. This is heaped with fries. Then the whole thing is covered in cheese sauce. A little bit o' heaven. There's very little cheese sauce out here though. People don't put it on everything like in the Midwest. It makes me cry a little.

Anyway, Gia and I decided we should have a Midwest Fest (she's from Cincinnati, and while she hadn't heard of a horseshoe, she appreciates greasy food). We had a cookout on the roof since she's taken over as hostel manager while Dave is in Hawaii. That's right, we had a cookout on a roof during the second week of November. We cooked up some hamburgers and hot dogs and I made the cheese sauce for horseshoes, which was it's own little fiasco. Lots of limping around town for this dish.

Midwest Fest was kind of a flop. Despite my efforts, not many people were willing to take the plunge on a horseshoe. Free food being passed up! Crazy. But, we all managed to have fun with the night anyway. At one point, Broken English Pictionary was played. You probably had to be there.

I had a crazy dream last night and most of the people I've met in the hostel were there. We were at summer camp though and everything went a little crazy. Apparently, at one point I was talking in my sleep, saying, "Chris, that's crazy, man!" Weird dream.

I missed a phone call from Tom this morning and decided on a whim to play it over speakerphone for people. As it started playing, I said, "I bet this is about Fat Jeff." And I knew I was right as soon as the message began because it started with Tom giggling. Fat Jeff picked up Ninja Mike fireman style last night and decided to try to do some squats. He ended up splitting his pants. And I missed it. I was cracking up, but a little sad at the same time. Tom said I might have needed to be there to appreciate it, but it was hilarious over the phone.

Alright, I'm just rambling a little. Let me finish with talking about a few things I've learned in my time at the hostel thus far.

Lukewarm showers can be kind of nice. They're not so bad. However, I've had a couple of painfully cold ones which have done things to my body I didn't think were physically possible.

Cleanliness is kind of relative these days. The hostel itself is really clean and nice and I still shower everyday. But, there are certain compromises I don't really feel concerned about anymore. The dishes are usually questionable and I just don't care anymore. Apparently, the giant sign above the sink that says, "Please Wash Your Dishes!!!," is unreadable to everyone except a couple of us. And we kind of half-ass it anyway. Whatever. Hasn't killed me yet. And I really don't give a crap about public bathrooms anymore.

I realize I ended up pretty far removed from my childhood. I grew up in a barn and on the racetrack. Probably eating sandwiches with horseshit covered hands. Putting paper towels over cans of pop (it's still pop, folks) so I don't end up swallowing a mouthful of flies. Running around dirty. Despite all this, I ended up as an adult checking to see if there's any bits floating in my water at restaurants. Now, I just don't care anymore. It's not the end of the world.

Or maybe that's just disgusting. Again, I guess cleanliness is all relative.

I do need some clothes washed though. I'm almost out of clean stuff and my jacket may be getting a little funky.

I've also learned I really love meeting someone new everyday... usually from another country. It's exciting. Lately, the world seems big and mysterious again. It's great.

Alright, this has gone on long enough. I need to grab some lunch and get movin'. I'll update again in New Mexico.


Anonymous said...

another funny part about the fat jeff situation; tom could not keep his shit together because of it. we would be in the middle of recording and he would start thinking about and and start snickering. fat fat did manage to get four full on squats with me on his shoulders, i was a little impressed.

Anonymous said...

I think it might have been fiveswats but none the less, i impressed my self with that feat of strength. As for the blowout...
From waistline to bottem ass-crack...Massive....Nick again i remind you...SAND i NEED Sand

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