Sunday, November 25, 2007

To Nick, From Wes

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - As Thanksgiving dinner was ending, I was invited to go see The Darjeeling Limited. I've been waiting to see this movie for, well, a damn long time. It came out just as I started my trip and I haven't stopped to see it by myself and haven't found anyone that wanted to see it who hadn't gone already.

Wes Anderson movies make me hurt when I see them. They hit me hard. I know they're not for everyone, but if someone connects with them, they tend to really connect. I think they're amazing. Haven't disliked one yet.

Films about anxiety and loss and separation and glory long gone and nostalgia and failure and dysfunction and... and... the soundtracks... they're so perfect.

The things people say are so dead on in this film. At one point, as a girl is parting ways with Jason Schwartzman, she asks, "What's wrong with you?" He pauses for a moment and says, "I honestly don't know. I'll tell you the next time I see you."

Feel like I've had to say the same too many times before.

The movie was hilarious and absurd and heartbreakingly sad.

Do you ever feel like a film or song is speaking directly to you? Like it was written with your particular thoughts or feelings in mind?

He should name his next film "To Nick, From Wes."

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